
The core VESBA team

Nick Pile

Cliffe Veterinary Group Director

Lindsay Heasman

Director, Hurst Animal Health Project Manager

Laura Anderson

Cliffe Veterinary Group Project Coordinator

The team on the ground

The team on the ground carrying out badger vaccination activities on behalf of the project include farmers, landowners and their nominees. All the team members are well-known in the farming community and have received appropriate training from APHA for the activities they undertake.


Collective Defra bovine TB policy representatives

Steering Group

Peter Appleton

Local dairy farmer Chair

Nick Pile

Cliffe Veterinary Group Director

Lindsay Heasman

Director, Hurst Animal Health Project Manager

Laura Anderson

Cliffe Veterinary Group Project Coordinator

Andy Robertson

Technical Director

Caroline Brazenell


Romy Jackson

NFU Couty Adviser for East Sussex

Duncan Ellis

Farmer representative

Timothy Potter

Project Manager for the TB Advisory Service

Defra, APHA and Natural England representatives also attend Steering Group meetings.